
Hyper-parameter optimization service

I’ve been maintaining and developing the hyper-parameter optimization service (Dr.Opt) of NCTU CS Edge-AI lab since 2019.

Dr.Opt is an ML model optimization platform consisting of:

Client Python Package

[Github] [PyPI] [Document]


The Dr.Opt server source code is not released to the public. I am involved in front-end, back-end, database, and deployment (by Docker compose).

Deep Learning - NEU Surface Defect by YOLOv3

Build an object detection model for NEU surface defect. [Project Report] [Github]

We applied data augmentation, anchor boxes adjusting (via clustering), loss function enhancement (GIOU) and TensorRT deployment to our projects.

Big data analytics & visualization

A project about “Taiwan fruit and vegetable retail prices”, which includes building price prediction models and data visualization.

Prediction Model

Implement the time-series prediction model by prophet and generate statistical charts by plotly. [Github repo]

Wax Apple Price Prediction Wax Apple Seasonality


Visualize the yearly retail prices, seasonality, origin, and the relevance to weather.
Implement by d3.js. [Github repo]

Analysis Weather

MCTS based Chinese Chess AI on a Raspberry PI cluster

It is a term project of the “parallel programming” course. We implemented the root parallelization of MCTS and deployed it on a Raspberry PI cluster (4 instances). We as well simulated our parallelization via docker-compose.

See the reference for more details: [Project Report] [Slide] [Github]

Terminal-based Course Timetable System

Implement a course selecting system by shell scripts (Bourne shell).

Interface Adding course

[Source code]

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