
Network Programming

Projects of the Network Programming course @ CS NCTU 2019 fall.

1. npshell

Implement a Shell with special piping mechanisms. [spec]

2. chat room

Design a chat-like system server. [spec]

3. http & cgi

Implement a simplified HTTP server and console cgi programs. [spec]

4. socks4

Implement the SOCKS4 protocol. [spec]

STM32 Microcontroller - Remote Cooker

The term project of the course Microprocessor System Lab @ NCTU CS 2017 fall.

We developed wifi remote & sensor monitoring functions for a ordinary cooker based on a STM32 development board (arm NUCLEO-L476RG). [Github]

Compiler Project

Projects of the Compiler course @ CS NCTU 2017 fall.

Implement Lex scanner, Yacc parser, symbol table and compiler for Mini-Pascal. [Github]

Gobang AI

Build a Gobang AI by implementing the minimax game tree & design utility functions. [Github]

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